Positive Student Behavior Policy

It is the goal of Grapeland Elementary School staff to maintain an environment which supports and encourages each child's success... academically, personally, and emotionally.

In order for each child to learn successfully, we must work together to create a positive environment that is pleasant and orderly, where all children feel safe and respected, and where all children take responsibility for their own behavior. 

Only in a safe and orderly school can children be successful learners and responsible citizens. To this end, we have three main expectations at Grapeland that will be taught and enforced on campus: Be Safe, Respectful and Responsible.

The Positive Student Behavior Policy at Grapeland Elementary School is based on the following factors.  All of these factors are essential if we are to provide the positive and nurturing environment, we all want for our children.

  1. High expectations for student behavior by staff and parents.

  2. A clear understanding of what is expected by all . . . students, parents, and staff.

  3. Fair and consistent enforcement of school rules and expectations.

  4. Parent support and cooperation of the Positive Student Behavior Policy

  5. Recognition of students who demonstrate responsibility for following school rules.

In working toward providing a safe and orderly school environment, we ask that families review the attached expectations together.

Please contact Brett Beitler or Tanisha Styles if you have any questions or concerns.  We look forward to partnering with you in establishing and maintaining a safe learning environment for your child.  Thank you for your continued support.


Mr. Brett Beitler, Principal
Mrs. Tanisha Styles, T. Vice Principal

Positive Student Behavior Policy

Learning takes place in an environment that is safe, orderly, and respectful of others.  We wish to promote an atmosphere of happiness, friendship, and cooperation between all students.

This Positive Student Behavior Policy was developed with these guidelines in mind:

  1. Student safety is our top priority

  2. Students show respect for themselves, one another, and their school

  3. Students are responsible for their behavior, so each student can be academically successful

During the first few weeks of school and then again in January, the following rules and expectations will be explicitly taught.  Please review these with your child at home. Thank you partnering with us in an effort to make Grapeland Elementary School a positive and safe learning environment for all! 

Safety Expectations:

  1. For their own safety, students may only be on campus when adult supervision is provided.  For this reason, students must not arrive on campus before 7:45 a.m. The kindergarten playground is closed until the instructional day begins.  Students in grades 1 - 5 are to wait on the sidewalk in front of the school until a staff member arrives for morning duty at 7:30 AM. Gates will be open at 7:45 AM.

  2. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 may ride their bicycles to school.  Students must provide their own lock for locking their bike in the bike area.  (The school and the Etiwanda School District will not assume any responsibility for any theft or damage.)  Bicycles must be walked at all times on all parts of the campus including the sidewalks along the loop.  Students are required by law to wear helmets when riding bikes.  Students may not use roller skates, roller blades, or skateboards on campus or to go to and from school.

  3. Respectful behavior is expected from all to help eliminate any dangerous situations that may cause harm or injury to others. Each incident will be investigated and communicated to parents as appropriate, and students are subject to fitting school consequences.  Such behavior includes fighting, rock throwing, sand throwing, pushing, kicking, and other similar behavior that creates dangerous situations for students and staff.

  4. Playground games such as "play fighting," “tag,” etc., which could cause the risk of injury are not appropriate on campus.  Use of equipment as designed is expected but will first be taught by our Grapeland staff.  Students shall follow school determined rules for all games.  (Teachers and support staff will review expectations daily. Students will care and use all equipment properly.

  5. Students must remain in assigned areas where proper supervision is provided.  During recess and lunch students may enter the hallways only if they have permission and a pass from a staff member. When students arrive, they are to go directly to the playground.

  6. Running or playing in the hallways, restrooms, or hard surface area is unsafe and can create a dangerous situation for others. 

  7. When the bell rings, students will:

    • Freeze - get off equipment, hold playground balls, and stand quietly.

    • Wait for the teacher on duty to blow the whistle.

    • Walk to their assigned line.

    • Stand quietly with peaceful hands and wait to be dismissed to class. (KAHFOTY expectation)

Respectful and Responsible Behavior:

  1. People, including other students, are to be treated with respect.  Rudeness or defiance of authority of any adult on staff will be addressed and positive expectation will be retaught.

  2. Students will address all adults by their proper title... Miss, Mrs., or Mr.

  3. Students are expected to take pride in their school by being responsible for cleaning up after themselves and putting all trash in proper containers while in their classrooms, the restrooms, the cafeteria, and the playground areas.

  4. Profanity and obscene gestures are disrespectful and have no place on our campus.

  5. Please keep gum at home.  Students may eat healthy snacks at recess only at the covered activities center.  Only shatter-free containers like plastics, aluminum, etc. are allowed on the campus. Glass containers pose a risk of breaking and causing injury.  

  6. Articles of value that students find should be turned in to the "Lost and Found" in the MPR

  7. Restrooms are to be used for their intended purpose only.

  8. Name calling, teasing, or being rude to fellow students is a form of disrespect and will be addressed with appropriate language reinforced.

  9. Students should leave cell phones, electronic games, playing cards, and other "toys" at home.  These items of value only distract from our purpose of education. 

  10.  Our school provides all playground equipment needed for safe play. Teachers have the option of allowing special items, i.e. baseball glove, to be brought for P.E.

  11.   Students are to respect school property and the property of others.  Misuse or vandalism may result in the natural consequence of repairing or replacing the damage. 

  12.   Students are expected to support the proper environment for learning by following classroom expectations as set forth by the teacher. 

Dress Code: In general, Grapeland Elementary follows the Etiwanda School District policy

In addition to items stipulated in the district policy: Parent-Student Handbook, student clothing must be of acceptable standards and will be enforced consistently across the campus. We certainly understand the need for students to have freedom of expression but anything that is deemed a disruption to the learning environment will not be permitted.

  1. Shorts must pass the “fingertip test”, defined as long or longer than the student’s fingertips when one’s hands are by his/her sides.

  2. Undergarments must remain hidden and not exposed at any time.

  3. Shirts with straps or tank tops must pass the “two finger” test in width. Halter or tube tops are not permitted. Ripped jeans where skin shows above the fingertips are not allowed, unless leggings are worn underneath.

  4. Shoes must protect the toes and be able to cover the front of the foot for safety.

  5. Teachers, administration and support staff have an equal responsibility to enforce the dress code policy and students who violate the policy will be asked to call parents to bring the appropriate clothing.  Repeat offenders may receive additional consequences if the action is deemed defiant.

Cafeteria Expectations:

During lunch or while in the cafeteria students should:

  1. Be courteous in the lunch lines -- pushing or cutting in line will not be tolerated. (KAHFOTY expectation)

  2. Sit at the tables and remain seated throughout the lunch period until excused by the campus support staff.

  3. Use "dining room" manners. Speak in normal voices, use proper manners when eating.

  4. Clean up one's own spills and messes.

  5. Wait to be excused by the campus support staff on duty.

  6. Throw away his/her own trash in barrels after being excused.

  7. Bring containers in lunches that do not pose a safety concern.

  8. Select healthy snacks and meals, leaving gum and candy at home.           

Playground Rules:

  1. WALK on all hard surfaces. (G.R.O W.- Grass running only, walk everywhere else.)

  2. Care properly for all equipment. Use playground "bouncy" balls and basketballs on hard court only.  Use soccer balls and kick balls on grass only. . 

  3. Softball and flag football must be lead and supervised by staff in order to be played at recess, lunch, or before school.  Softballs and footballs may be used only for throwing and catching practice and must ask for permission from campus support staff.

  4. Softball and flag football may only be played at P.E. under close adult supervision.

  5. Students should take care to keep all playground balls on the school grounds.  Students may not leave campus to retrieve a ball.  Students are to report the lost ball to the campus support person or teacher on duty.  Balls will be retrieved by a supervising adult.

  6. Follow school expectations for basketball, tetherball, hopscotch, four square, four corners, soccer, handball, etc.  Campus support, teachers, and PE staff will teach and review these rules in class and the first week of school.

  7. Sand is for digging and building.  Students must be careful when digging so as not to get sand on other students or damage their construction.  Sand should never be thrown!  When the sand is wet, the sand area is off limits.

  8. Jump ropes are for jumping only.  Activities like "helicopter," "waterfall," twisting, tying on to others or things, or "tug of war" create a dangerous situation for others.  Jump ropes should be used on the hardcourt only.

  9. Use hula hoops properly - trapping people in them or tugging on hoops is misuse.  Take care to keep the hula-hoops in shape.

  10. Fences and backstops serve a safety purpose and not a climbing apparatus.

  11. Remember that games are always open to everyone.  Students may use rock, paper, scissors to handle disputes and may consult a campus support provider whenever disputes arise.

  12. Handball, pizza square and other games require the assistance of a student judge . He/she is the next person to go in the game and who stands in the judging box. He/she has the responsibility to watch the game closely and make official calls when a dispute arises. Other players may not argue with the judge or try to persuade the judge. His/her decision is final.

**Please note that all game rules are posted on the PE equipment door.


Students who demonstrate responsible citizenship by following our school and classroom rules will be recognized in a variety of ways:

  • PBIS Rewards Points for prizes!

  • Citizenship grades on report cards

  • Recognition at the GREAT Grizzly Assemblies (G.R.E.A.T.)

  • Bonus extended recess/free time

  • School-wide positive behavior referrals (Cub Concerns and Shout-outs)

  • Other forms of recognition both in the classroom and around campus.

Disciplinary Consequences - Suspensions/Expulsion

The main goal of our Positive Student Behavior Policy is to teach students to manage their own behavior.  When a problem arises we begin a process of reviewing expectations, administering a consequence and alerting parents if the problem continues. We are committed to a proactive, intervention-based approach, instead of reactive. Our staff will attempt to provide other means of correction, related to the specific behavior prior to suspension from school.

As much as possible, our staff uses a positive reinforcement system and may balance this with negative consequences for those that show chronic violations of our school’s three main rules. Each will be dealt with in a variety of ways depending on the misbehavior, its impact on others, and the number of times the misbehavior has occurred.

These consequences can include: removal from the game/activity, time out, loss of recess privilege, detention, and, if warranted, suspension.  Students may be issued an intervention-based Low Level Referral (LLR) or Office Referral (OR) and parents will be notified as deemed necessary by the teacher and/or the principal. Certain acts such as fighting, weapons on campus, or major defiance that has a major impact on others will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension from school. School to employ restorative justice practices where appropriate and effective. 

Parent support of our school Discipline Policy is essential if we are to maintain a school environment that is safe, respectful and responsible.

Our Positive Student Behavior Policy, may include a consequence of recess detention. The purpose of recess detention is to provide a safe deterrent for students, who choose to break school rules, or consistently do not complete school work. The staff of Grapeland Elementary aims to promote respectful and responsible students who strive to make good decisions in life and play.

The duration of detention may range from one recess to multiple depending on the student’s age and the infraction. Staff will supervise a student assigned detention and have a chance to review the expectations and develop strategies with the student to prevent future infractions.

It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide you with the circumstances of misbehavior or irresponsibility resulting in a consequence. It is the responsibility of your child to see to it that you receive any Low-Level Referrals (LLR) or Office Referral (OR) notices sent home with him/her. Please reinforce at home and partner with Grapeland staff to create a united front of support. Supporting the school during a discipline matter is one of the most important components of teaching your child to manage his/her own behavior and teaches respect towards authority.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this policy, please contact your child’s teacher or Grapeland administration.  We greatly appreciate your support at home and want to work with you to assure success for your child. It is our ultimate goal to help your child manage his/her own behavior in a safe, respectful, and supportive environment.

We welcome your input and believe our learning to best manage behavior is vital to continuous improvement. Thank you for reviewing this policy with your child. We appreciate your support!