Welcome to Kindergarten! My name is Tara Shinn and I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year. I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga. I received my Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and my Multiple Subject Credential and Masters Degree from National University. I have taught multiple grade levels including, Third, Fifth, and Kindergarten ~ I'm looking forward to a fantastic year!
Tara Shinn
Bring Library book to return
Spirit days (Wear a GRP Grizzly shirt or school colors purple, black, or Gray)
9/11: Ms. Shinn
9/15: Everly
9/28: Jacob
Upcoming Events
9/2: Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
9/4: Picture Day!
9/6: Coffee with the Principal in MPR 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
9/9: Non-student Day -NO SCHOOL
9/13: Bubble Run fundraiser ends!
9/19: Bubble Run Fundraiser
9/23-9/27: Parent/Teacher Conferences
(Time slots with sign-ups coming soon) Minimum Day all Week
9/23-9/27: Book Fair
Homework Assignments
September Homework Choice Board Due: Friday, September 27th
Contact Me
Grapeland Phone Number: 909-463-7026
Feel free to contact me via ROOMS.
You can also email me through my website or tara_shinn@etiwanda.org
Kinder Back to School Presentation (Link Below)